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Know Your State's Electoral System

*A state that could be won by either political party.

about your state:


  • 21,477,737 People*

  • 6.54% of the U.S. Population

  • 29 Votes

  • 5.35% of the Electoral Votes

Electoral College Votes:

Who is running for office in your state?

Voter Registration

Deadline to Register:

October 5, 2020

Vote by Mail

Deadline to Request

Mail-In Ballot*:

October 24, 2020

You can request a vote by mail ballot online through your county Supervisors of Elections' website. 

*Same as Absentee Ballot.

**Florida will accept ballots after Nov. 3 (if postmarked before Nov. 3), but if a mail ballot is not accepted, the elections office is required to notify the voter and provide them with an opportunity to fix the issue.

Early voting?


*October 24 - October 31


Election Polls

Make sure your polling station isn't closed by working* at an election poll in your state!

*Some States Pay Poll Workers.

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